“Surviving Collapse,” “Mindfulness,” “Become a Learning Coach,” “Starting a Side Gig,” “Parenting for Academic Success”


Please consider joining us for one or more of our brand new series of affordable ‘Survive and Thrive!’ webinars, workshops, and summits, part of the LearningRevolution.com family: Library 2.0, The Future of Education, ReinventingSchool.com, Classroom 2.0, and TeacherLibrarian.org. More details are below.

WEBINAR: Surviving Collapse: Mental and Emotional Preparedness for Times of Dramatic Change

When long-standing or trusted institutions no longer provide the stability we have come to depend on, we can experience panic and even debilitating fear. Preparing to stay in emotional control through uncertain times is the most important thing we can do for ourselves, our families, our students or patrons, our co-workers, and our community.

Topics we will cover:

  • Keeping intellectual and emotional perspective
  • Maintaining our health
  • Prioritizing our time and our energy
  • Identifying and evaluating information for decision-making
  • Reframing situations and circumstances
  • Communicating clearly and thoughtfully under pressure

This webinar focuses specifically on maintaining our mental and psychological strength, not on financial or physical preparedness.


WEBINAR: Mindfulness for Educators, Librarians, and Others: Self-care Strategies for Difficult Times

This has been a difficult year for a lot of people, whether you’re a teacher, a librarian, a parent, or a student. It’s hard to go through so much change and trauma and feel centered and balanced, or to be optimistic about the future. The practice of mindfulness can be a pathway to greater peace and purpose, and this webinar can either serve as an introduction to mindfulness that you can immediately put to use, or a reminder if you’ve previously used these techniques.

As a mindful practitioner for over 15 years, Dr. Linaberger teaches graduate coursework for Wilson College, including a 3 credit graduate course on Mindfulness. In this webinar, she will:

  • Overview the mindful movement in education
  • Share research highlights to connect to the power of mindfulness for educators and students alike
  • Offer several strategies for beginning your own mindful practice
  • Share resources for learning more about mindfulness
  • Lead you through a “”progressive relaxation”” technique you can use daily to reduce your stress levels


WEBINAR: Handling Complaints or Protests About Content

How do we safely and carefully handle one or more angry or outraged patrons who complain about items (books, films, magazines, CDs, etc.) in our library?

This 60-minute training webinar is presented by Library 2.0 and ALA author and library service, safety, and security expert, Dr. Steve Albrecht. Steve will be hosting Barry Trott, Adult Services Consultant with the Library of Virginia, to explore tools and training that can help when you have complaints about library collections.

Barry says, “Book challenges are on the rise in all sorts of libraries. Being prepared to handle questions about library materials will involve more than the library director and other administrators. Often, complaints need to be first handled by frontline staff. To keep these protests from growing into a major media crisis, it’s important that public services staff know how to handle user complaints. This issue requires more than just passing the angry patrons up the chain of command. It’s essential to have a well-thought-out process for staff to rely on. This webinar will help all library employees feel more empowered during these encounters.”

This overview session is another in our Library 2.0 series for all library staff and library leaders to respond with tact and skill when it comes to complaints about what one or more patrons thinks is inappropriate content in the library. This webinar will also discuss how to handle the security issues and media management related to an organized protest about potentially controversial materials, both in or near your library.


  • Being prepared before the challenge comes; not developing policy and procedures on the fly.
  • Knowing that challenges to materials will come from all sides, even unexpected people/groups.
  • Developing a set of procedures on how patrons’ content complaints should proceed.
  • Solving the problem at the lowest level possible. Often frontline staff can avert a bigger problem simply by listening, but they need to be trained.
  • Notifying the Library Director when a complaint is made, even if it seems that it was resolved at the time it was made. Not letting your boss be surprised.
  • Listening with empathy when a patron has a complaint. Not trying to defend the item (it’s not an educable moment) and not making any absolute commitments until later.
  • Using “Request for Reconsideration” letters.
  • Informing your Library Board and/or elected officials.
  • Handling media interviews or information requests.
  • Facility security issues.


WEBINAR: Starting Your Own Side Gig: Entrepreneurship for Teachers, Librarians, and Others

As an educational entrepreneur for 20 years, Steve gives you a simple step-by-step starter formula and overview for building an idea into an educational side gig, whether you are just looking to follow a personal passion or build a full-time business. Perfect for the beginner trying to decide what to do, or any educational entrepreneur looking to review the basics.

Topics he will cover:

  • Identifying your topic idea or audience niche
  • Building your specialty, your expertise, and your “”brand”” 
  • Creating your online presence
  • Simple online speaking, webinars, and event building
  • Collaborating with other educational entrepreneurs
  • Building an email list
  • Leveraging social media


WEBINAR: Become a Learning Coach: How to Build Expertise, a Brand, and a Customer Base

Are you looking for a creative and fulfilling way to help students and their families? Would you like part- or full-time work helping students succeed? You can:

  • Help students learn how they learn;
  • Coach parents through the process of helping their students have academic and life success;
  • Help parents and students understand and set up the conditions of success for learning;
  • Give struggling students a lifeline to school achievement.

As a learning coach, you can make a real and significant difference in the lives of students and their parents. You can integrate the skills of being a learning coach into your current teaching practices, or you can offer your services as a learning coach, either in person or virtually, as a part-time side gig or a full-time vocation.

In this webinar we’ll cover:

  • Where to find proven and research-based practices on the methods and practices of being a learning coach;
  • How to refine and build your own genuine personal expertise to make a real difference for students, parents, and families;
  • How to position your specific talents as you market your services;
  • How to approach school, homeschool, and other community groups that would benefit from knowing the work that you do;
  • How to think about marketing, communication, long-term customer growth, and business organization;
  • How to think about pricing your services and your expectations for income.


5-WEEK COURSE: Parenting For Academic Success (and Parental Sanity)

  • Are you anxious that your child isn’t living up to their potential, but you’re not sure how to support them?
  • Do you worry that your child fell behind during COVID, but you don’t know how to help them catch up?
  • Would you like to stop having arguments with your child about schoolwork, chores, and screen time?
  • Are you tired of nagging and hovering, but worried that if you stop, your child will fail?

You are not alone, and there is a better way! You can support your child’s growth, without micromanaging, and while simultaneously helping them become independent and resilient. When you adopt this approach, you will not only help your child to succeed, you will also reduce your own stress and anxiety around parenting.

Which is why we are excited to announce that Learning Revolution will be hosting the second annual ONLINE version of this much-sought-after course: Parenting For Academic Success (and Parental Sanity)

This course is a five-part series of classes co-taught by Greg Smith and Chris Loper. Chris will share the key ideas from psychology and neuroscience that are most relevant for parents, while Greg will discuss how to apply this knowledge at home. Meanwhile, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to ask questions, and you’ll be given pre-class journaling questions, supplemental readings, and additional resources to support the course material.


MINI-CONFERENCE: Urban Librarianship: Embracing Challenges and Opportunities

Our second Library 2.022 mini-conference: “”Urban Librarianship: Embracing Challenges and Opportunities through Innovation, Leadership, and Best Practices,”” will be held online (and for free) on Thursday, July 14th, 2022.

Urban libraries are uniquely positioned to support the resiliency of their local communities and to deliver vital services to help individuals live their best lives. Urban libraries have a unique impact on the well-being of their communities and are essential agents to positively transform those communities and people as anchor institutions and community hubs, and as partners with local government, private sector, nonprofits, and other community-based organizations for collective impact.

Urban librarianship increasingly encompasses having to address many of society’s challenges through the people we serve. This situates Urban libraries in the epicenter of the communities they serve and also presents new opportunities to impact them at even greater levels. As always, we are up to the challenge. This Library 2.0 mini-conference is a chance to share and to learn the ideas, innovations, tools, and techniques that will help all library leaders in their work with people and their communities.

Topics are likely to include:

  • Applied equity, diversity, and inclusion skills and programs
  • Anti-racist and social justice leadership and librarianship
  • Serving patrons suffering from trauma and other personal challenges
  • Mental health, safety, and security
  • Understanding the information needs of urban populations
  • Multi-lingual programming and outreach
  • Community engagement
  • Data science, analytics, and performance measurement
  • Working with individuals experiencing homelessness
  • Jail and reentry services for justice-involved patrons
  • eLearning, urban digital literacy, and digital equity



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