Table of Contents

The three primary pillars of SEO are technical, links, and content. To get the most out of your SEO efforts, where should YOU be concentrating your time? Every website is different, but the majority fall into certain categories. This article will discuss where you should concentrate if you have a new website, are trying to break into a very crowded market, have an online store, or have a sizable user-generated content website (think G2, Pinterest). To find out where to concentrate your SEO efforts, keep reading.


There is no question that larger sites will compete with you. Launching a new website is challenging, but it is possible. Therefore, in terms of content, we must ensure that we adequately cover the subject at hand, which entails going above and beyond what is already available. We are not in a situation where we can rely on the strength of our entire domain. Without content, we must, at least initially, remain quite specialized. It is far simpler to start small and expand when creating a new website than it is to do so from scratch. Creating a ton of *good* material should be the first focus. Starting with excellent content will make the rest of your SEO a lot simpler. 


Links are always helpful, but they are never more crucial than at the beginning. Prior to discussing any specific strategies, you should concentrate on organizing all of your core ties. Every company should have foundational links, so consider Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Even if they aren’t what you may term “needle movers,” if your company is credible, you should have those because they help develop brand credibility, which is crucial when you start to engage in link building. Nobody truly knows your brand at this time, so it doesn’t really make sense to focus all of your link-building efforts on your most crucial pages just yet. Always begin with quality; one excellent technique to obtain some excellent PR-style connections is to develop a story about your industry and present it to appropriate journalists. By using these techniques, you’ll be able to build solid, brand-focused links that will make your SEO life much simpler in the future.


You need to have a technically sound website that can be scanned and indexed in order to rank on Google (or any other search engine for that matter). With a fresh website, you don’t really need to worry about many of the “issues” where you’d need a technical specialist just yet. To evaluate the success of your SEO efforts, you really must measure and track a variety of metrics as the last step in the process. Determine where visitors first interact with your website and any potential barriers to a greater conversion rate by evaluating and analyzing key pages of your website. The power of knowledge – when promoting your business, you want to be as effective as possible, and keeping an eye on and grasping the data at your disposal can be really beneficial. You can enhance your brand voice, better understand your customers, and raise your search engine rankings by delving into your data.

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